Saturday, December 4, 2010

after college

After college my ideal life would be to be a nurse and be making really good money. I hope to have my own place and be able to afford everything on my own. I want to move away after college somewhere warm, California or Florida would be ideal. I love the weather there. I've been to both places and I love them. Also I hope to be with someone I could consider being with for the rest of my life. When I finish school i'll be twenty-three or four depending how long it takes me to finish. 

I want to be with someone that has a good job and can support a family.  I'd like to start a family around age 25 or a few years older. When I have children I want to be able to stay home with them until I feel they are ready for a daycare. I'd want a husband that has a good job so I could be able to do that. I don't want to be someone that doesn't work, so I would go back to work once my kids are in a daycare. 

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