Saturday, September 25, 2010

Managing your time wisely..

How do you manage your time? Are you someone who is very organized or do you lack in fitting in everything? If you're organized you are good with time managing if not try to help yourself and write things down. Making time for everything is very important. Things I have done to help me with managing my time are writing it down on a calendar, and filling in my assignment book with everything that needs to get done.  I find it very helpful to write everything down. If you know ahead of time that something needs to be done it will be easier for you than cramming in something last minute. That also helps me because I work, if I know something needs to be done I will do it before work so it’s done and I don’t have to worry about it after.

You need to make time not just for schoolwork but yourself, socializing, sleep, eating, exercise, and work. All of these things are important. If you don’t have a schedule you can stress yourself out, get overwhelmed and not have enough time to fit things in. Planning out your week ahead of time would really help because you would know everything you need to do and can make times to finish everything. Time management is really helpful. It not only explains time management but also gives you tips on how you can use your time wisely. Making good choices lead to good results, where bad choices just results in wasting time.


~Your blog is your unedited version of yourself. ~ -lorelle

Everyone has something they collect, love, and are obsessed with. I love purses. I can’t get enough of them. Juicy, Coach, Dooney and Bourke, Michael Kors, and Steve Madden are some of the designers of my purses.  I found the blog purses all on different bags. It tells you the new purse of the week, different designers, links to purchasing purses, and all information on fashion. It really caught my attention because this is something I am in to.

I like big purses; I haven’t carried around a small bag in a long time. The only time I will carry something small is if I go out somewhere nice or to an event I will bring a wristlet. Something for just the things I need because I don’t want to carry around my big bag. I pretty much put my whole life in my bag. If you are someone who is into fashion and loves purses like me this blog will interest you with all the information.  It has links to blogs that are related to fashion that are also very interesting and give you tips. For example this blog what to wear gives you tips on what make up to use and clothing styles.

What do you think of tattoos? Some people think they are gross, would never get one, will regret it in the future etc. I personally like tattoos. I have one tattoo right now and I want to get at least one or two more.  The tattoo I have right now is angel wings and they say poppy for my grandpa that passed away. It is something I will never regret and it something that means a lot to me. One thing that does bother me is when someone gets a tattoo just to get one. I do think that if you get something that is going to
 be on your body forever it should have a meaning to it. Not just to have one because other people do.

I found a blog on tattoos, "check out my ink" this talks about people and their tattoos. Why they got them, tattoo categories, images etc. A lot of people get stuck on what to get or need to see some to have a better idea on what they want. Checking out this blog can help you find ideas and see what other peoples look like. They also show you different places you can get them.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

10,000 hours for Success

In this article the author talks about how practicing something makes a person better at it. Is that true? Can people really become great at something just by practice or does it have to do with the brain to? I believe it can and can’t be. Practicing something over and over again can make you better as long as you are practicing it the right way. Some people how ever practice things but don’t know exactly how to do it correctly in the first place. How can that make a person better? Some people just don’t have the skills to do certain things. It can come faster to some than to others.

I do believe that talent has something to do with being good. It’s not just practice. You are born with certain talents, different from everyone else. When you’re little and start sports you try different ones some you hate and others you love. The ones you love and get are the ones you stick with. When you keep playing over and over that makes you a better player and more successful than someone who starts playing years later than you. Some things you are better at than others. It’s normal; the world wouldn’t be diverse if everyone was good and bad at the same things. People do challenge themselves to get better though. If you set a higher goal for yourself to be better then what it is you can do, reaching that will make you more successful.

Research has suggested that once you have enough talent into what it is you love, the thing that distinguishes one from another is how hard you work on it. I do agree. Like I said if you get it and love the thing right away you will practice and stick with that to become better.

The interesting first 2 weeks...

An obstacle I faced in the first two weeks of college is finding a parking space every morning and embarrassed to say I missed my first class. The first day of classes I left early I wanted to make sure I got there in enough time and got to class on time. Well that was a failure. I picked up two of my friends that also commute we got there twenty minutes before classes started so we went straight to the garage, of course it was full. No surprise at all!  So we decided to check the other close lot and what do you know that was full. So we had to park at the farthest one. After we got to Engleman I kept walking because I wrote down my class was in Jennings. So I go to the room I wrote down and I was already late because of my parking issue. I apologize for being late and he asks my name. It was not on the teachers list, he had me write my name and I sat down. As soon as I sat down he asked if I was there for math 108? As soon as I heard that I was so embarrassed it was the wrong class and room.  I got up and walked out, every one knew I was definitely a freshman.

I call my mom and tell her my embarrassing story, she had to sign into mySCSU and figure out where I was suppose to be. Well it was pretty much to late now. Class was ending shortly and I had to walk back to Engleman because that’s where I was supposed to go. I ended up waiting for the class to end. I was nervous I didn’t know what to expect when I went to talk to my professor. But once it was over I walked in and introduced myself to my professor and apologized for missing class and told him what had happened. He understood completely and gave me the syllabus. After that I felt relieved because he then knew I didn’t skip his class on purpose I just made a mistake.

After facing these two obstacles I now get to Southern early and make sure I am on time for all of my classes. It is embarrassing but now when I think back on it, it’s funny and I will always remember my first day of college.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What College is to me

What is college? College is described as an institution of higher education created to educate and grant degrees.Is that really all college is? No, I believe college is a new beginning, a new chapter in your life and one of the most important. It’s a new place where you create your future. A place where you meet new people and friends you’ll have forever. Yes, college consists of a lot of work and time management skills but it’s to better yourself and become the person you want to be. It’s to reach and achieve the goals you’ve had for yourself. Now’s the time these can be done. Getting an education so you can become what you’ve dreamed of.

There are fun things about college as well; getting involved with the community, going to sport events, going out on weekends, parties etc. If you commute to school like I do you can spend time at your friends dorms, and experience the other part of college life. College is being able to come out of your shell and to be yourself. You are starting off just like everyone else, not knowing to many people. Don’t be nervous about being yourself, people will accept whoever you are.

What I want to get out of Southern is a great education. I want to become a nurse, my dream sense I was little. Also I want to have a great experience with new people, and to have an amazing social life. Even though I commute I believe I can get involved at Southern and have the same experience as students who live on campus. 

Getting to know me

Love- I am a very loving person. I love my family and friends. I’m there for them whenever they need me. I’d stop anything to help them out and they know they could come to me for help anytime. When my grandpa was alive we were really close. He had been in and out of the hospital for a while. Every time he went in I’d be there right by his side until whatever time they let him leave. I wanted to be there for him and make him feel safe and comfortable anyway that I could. He didn’t like it at all and was scared. Every time he was there I’d make sure that I was there right by his side with my mom. Helping him all the time made me want to be there for others and help as much as I can. This is why I some day will become a nurse. Helping others out and making them comfortable and hopefully better is something I want to do.

Family- I am very family oriented. My family means the world to me. We are all very close. I have three brothers, a sister, my mom and dad. I’m the second oldest, which is good but in some ways bad. I have an older brother who is very protective of me. He’s not the only one though, my younger brothers think they can protect both my sister and I. It’s nice that they care but believe me it could get annoying. Our family is there for each other all the time. Anytime I need to make a decision about something I know I can go to any one of them for help and they will give great advice and be there for me.
Outspoken- Being outspoken is a good and bad thing. I never was outspoken until I was older. When I was younger and something bothered me I just let it go or ignored the situation. If a friend and I got into a fight and it bothered me I wouldn’t say anything. I’ve learned not to do that. Now that I’m older and more mature I’ve learned that you need to tell people how you feel. It could cause problems, which aren’t good, but if you let someone take advantage and get away with something that hurts you, they’ll think it’s right. There are times and places when it’s okay to express your feelings without causing a scene. If something bothers you, don't be afraid say how you feel, everyone has the right to express their feelings. 

Two other qualities that I have are hardworking and responsibility. I am a very hard worker. I work two different jobs that I still work every week. Over the summer I would work every day but it had to be cut down for school. When I got my license I really wanted a car my parents wouldn’t just hand me a car they wanted me to take responsibility. They took me to the dealer ship and I got to pick out what I wanted, but the deal was I had to make monthly payments. They pay the insurance and with my work money that I like spending on shopping, I pay monthly payments. I’ve been doing this for over a year now. It’s hard but saving my money the right way I can do both shop and pay for my car. It’s a good responsibility and I know they do this so I know what it will be like when I get a good job and have to work hard so I can pay other bills when I’m on my own.