Saturday, September 25, 2010

Managing your time wisely..

How do you manage your time? Are you someone who is very organized or do you lack in fitting in everything? If you're organized you are good with time managing if not try to help yourself and write things down. Making time for everything is very important. Things I have done to help me with managing my time are writing it down on a calendar, and filling in my assignment book with everything that needs to get done.  I find it very helpful to write everything down. If you know ahead of time that something needs to be done it will be easier for you than cramming in something last minute. That also helps me because I work, if I know something needs to be done I will do it before work so it’s done and I don’t have to worry about it after.

You need to make time not just for schoolwork but yourself, socializing, sleep, eating, exercise, and work. All of these things are important. If you don’t have a schedule you can stress yourself out, get overwhelmed and not have enough time to fit things in. Planning out your week ahead of time would really help because you would know everything you need to do and can make times to finish everything. Time management is really helpful. It not only explains time management but also gives you tips on how you can use your time wisely. Making good choices lead to good results, where bad choices just results in wasting time.


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