Saturday, September 11, 2010

The interesting first 2 weeks...

An obstacle I faced in the first two weeks of college is finding a parking space every morning and embarrassed to say I missed my first class. The first day of classes I left early I wanted to make sure I got there in enough time and got to class on time. Well that was a failure. I picked up two of my friends that also commute we got there twenty minutes before classes started so we went straight to the garage, of course it was full. No surprise at all!  So we decided to check the other close lot and what do you know that was full. So we had to park at the farthest one. After we got to Engleman I kept walking because I wrote down my class was in Jennings. So I go to the room I wrote down and I was already late because of my parking issue. I apologize for being late and he asks my name. It was not on the teachers list, he had me write my name and I sat down. As soon as I sat down he asked if I was there for math 108? As soon as I heard that I was so embarrassed it was the wrong class and room.  I got up and walked out, every one knew I was definitely a freshman.

I call my mom and tell her my embarrassing story, she had to sign into mySCSU and figure out where I was suppose to be. Well it was pretty much to late now. Class was ending shortly and I had to walk back to Engleman because that’s where I was supposed to go. I ended up waiting for the class to end. I was nervous I didn’t know what to expect when I went to talk to my professor. But once it was over I walked in and introduced myself to my professor and apologized for missing class and told him what had happened. He understood completely and gave me the syllabus. After that I felt relieved because he then knew I didn’t skip his class on purpose I just made a mistake.

After facing these two obstacles I now get to Southern early and make sure I am on time for all of my classes. It is embarrassing but now when I think back on it, it’s funny and I will always remember my first day of college.

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