Saturday, November 27, 2010

rough draft

This is a draft of my video. It still needs work, I need help with a few things if any of you know. I can't figure out how to put parts of a video into mine and also I need help with the music. I have a song that I want but I'm not sure how to get it in. If you know please help! Any other thoughts or ideas would be great as well.

Friday, November 26, 2010

thanksgiving dinner

Every Thanksgiving my family always has so much food. Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, gravy, lasagna, vegetables, hot rolls,cranberry sauce (I love) corn, and more. It's always the time of year I eat whatever I want and how ever much I want.

This years Thanksgiving dinner was great. My dad made all of the food and there was tons. I ate a little bit of everything and after eating it all felt so sick. I ate way to much. It was a nice relaxing day, quiet and peaceful. We usually have dinner with my immediate family and then other family members stop by for desserts and to hangout later on during the day.

I made cookies, chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin, and a batch of brownies. I enjoy baking. It's something to do and a lot of fun. The smell of everything makes you can't wait to eat it. After eating the big meal and relaxing for a little while we had dessert. Pies, ice cream, cookies, brownies, etc. Everything was delicious.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


One class that really interests me is psychology. Professor Lenny really makes the class interesting. Everything he talks about he has a story to help explain what it is we are discussing. He shows pictures, plays movies and uses his family, friends, neighbors and sometimes clients to help break down his purpose. He talks about so many different things, different types of psychologist, dreams, sleep, yourself, problems people face etc. He talked about how not getting enough sleep is really not good for you. He gave us a bunch of sleeping disorders one being Narcolepsy. The class is never boring. There is always something interesting to discuss and different things he shows about that topic. Having the photos, movies and different stories about his clients really helps you understand what it is that he wants to get across. It gives you a real example and makes more sense. If it was just a lecture where he talked all the time and didn't give those examples it would get boring. The way he teaches makes you engaged and want to know more. 

Where I like to study

A place I like to study during my breaks at school is the library. It is very quiet and you can get all of your work done there. No one is there to bother you and if you don't have your computer the day your there you can use theirs to get your assignments done. Also all of the books are helpful for papers you are writing. Being able to study there and do your school work is great you don't have to worry about finding information, you have it all there. 

 I can't concentrate when there are people talking, and being loud the library is a place where you know you wont get that. I couldn't study in the student center it is way to loud and I would distract myself by all of the noise. 

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Some students will try their hardest on an assignment and get a grade they didnt think they should get or deserve.  The type of student I am I start an assignment when its given to me unless I really cant then I wont.I put my all into something. There are times I think I deserve a really good grade and when I get the assignment back I got something less. It really all depends on your teacher. They all have their own way of grading and different opinions on how things should be done. You have some that are really lenient and others that are really challenging and hard. It's good to have both but they should all be fair. Putting in so much time and completing all the assignment requirements shouldn't give you a bad grade just not a perfect grade. 

I know a lot of math teachers who will give grade curves and extra credit to the class because not everyone is doing well. I think that it's fair but not 100 percent right. The teacher has to do it the right way. There are kids in the class who get it and have A's so them doing extra credit really can't bring their grade up anymore. A student with a D or F I think should be able to bring it up with a C- or C if they are able to bring their grade up higher than that, it's just like the teacher is handing out the good grade to you. That doesn't teach you anything.

what relieves stress?

When I'm stressed out there are two different things I like to do. One being to shop. I love shopping. If I am in a bad mood or really annoyed shopping will fix it all. I love going to stores and looking through all the stuff. Shoes,purses, clothes, jewelry, you name it. It can be bad because yea you spend money, which I should save but there are just sometimes I want to buy stuff and spend it on myself. I love getting new things. I am pretty good though, I don't go all the time and when I do I usually have saved for it so I can buy what I want and not worry about what i'm spending. 

Another thing that relieves my stress is going to the gym. I enjoy the gym and I do go everyday. If I miss a day I get disappointed in myself. Going to the gym makes me feel good. I like using the different machines,  and some weights. When i'm really annoyed and stressed out I work out even more because i'm angry. After though it feels great because I feel good and like the workout i've done. I get all the negativeness out and feel good an happy about myself and different things. The gym is definitely a good stress reliever and helps with keeping yourself in shape as well.