Friday, November 26, 2010

thanksgiving dinner

Every Thanksgiving my family always has so much food. Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, gravy, lasagna, vegetables, hot rolls,cranberry sauce (I love) corn, and more. It's always the time of year I eat whatever I want and how ever much I want.

This years Thanksgiving dinner was great. My dad made all of the food and there was tons. I ate a little bit of everything and after eating it all felt so sick. I ate way to much. It was a nice relaxing day, quiet and peaceful. We usually have dinner with my immediate family and then other family members stop by for desserts and to hangout later on during the day.

I made cookies, chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin, and a batch of brownies. I enjoy baking. It's something to do and a lot of fun. The smell of everything makes you can't wait to eat it. After eating the big meal and relaxing for a little while we had dessert. Pies, ice cream, cookies, brownies, etc. Everything was delicious.

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