Saturday, November 13, 2010


One class that really interests me is psychology. Professor Lenny really makes the class interesting. Everything he talks about he has a story to help explain what it is we are discussing. He shows pictures, plays movies and uses his family, friends, neighbors and sometimes clients to help break down his purpose. He talks about so many different things, different types of psychologist, dreams, sleep, yourself, problems people face etc. He talked about how not getting enough sleep is really not good for you. He gave us a bunch of sleeping disorders one being Narcolepsy. The class is never boring. There is always something interesting to discuss and different things he shows about that topic. Having the photos, movies and different stories about his clients really helps you understand what it is that he wants to get across. It gives you a real example and makes more sense. If it was just a lecture where he talked all the time and didn't give those examples it would get boring. The way he teaches makes you engaged and want to know more. 

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