Saturday, November 6, 2010

what relieves stress?

When I'm stressed out there are two different things I like to do. One being to shop. I love shopping. If I am in a bad mood or really annoyed shopping will fix it all. I love going to stores and looking through all the stuff. Shoes,purses, clothes, jewelry, you name it. It can be bad because yea you spend money, which I should save but there are just sometimes I want to buy stuff and spend it on myself. I love getting new things. I am pretty good though, I don't go all the time and when I do I usually have saved for it so I can buy what I want and not worry about what i'm spending. 

Another thing that relieves my stress is going to the gym. I enjoy the gym and I do go everyday. If I miss a day I get disappointed in myself. Going to the gym makes me feel good. I like using the different machines,  and some weights. When i'm really annoyed and stressed out I work out even more because i'm angry. After though it feels great because I feel good and like the workout i've done. I get all the negativeness out and feel good an happy about myself and different things. The gym is definitely a good stress reliever and helps with keeping yourself in shape as well.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with both those things! I use to go to the gym everyday but I had to cancel my gym pass back home and keep forgetting to get one here it sucks because the gym really did relax me
