Saturday, October 2, 2010

digital storytelling...

My inquiry topic I am doing my digital storytelling project is on the article 10,000 hours for success. The question I am asking is can people become great at something by just practice or does it have to do with the brain? Are people born with talent? What do you think?

This article talks about practicing something makes a person better at it. There are different ways to look at this. People can be born with talent. Each person is different and everyone has different genes. It can be genetic, some people have relatives who are great at sports and they can be just like them. There are natural athletes’; it comes to them right away and there are people who need to practice until they get it. The environment also plays a role in this. If you have good support it makes someone want to become better and helps him or her get motivated. If you want to do something you may once or twice and then put it off. Having people motivate you and support what you want to do makes it better for you and helps you become good. 

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