Friday, October 29, 2010

going out of my comfort zone..

The other day in Inquiry with time with Lee we did an activity called crossing the line. At first I was thinking to myself how I didn't want to do this. I felt like it was going to be really awkward and uncomfortable. I only really tell my personal stuff to my best friends or parents. I'm not open with new people because one I don't know them on that kind of level yet and two I worry about things being said that I don't want others to know. The people in my class are people I just met only a few months ago, they hardly know anything about me and they were going to find out things they never knew.

There were some really deep questions and then others that were not as personal. For the not so personal questions a lot of us crossed the line and the deeper ones sometimes only one or two people crossed. We all found out different things about one another that we would have never known. It was a very serious and quiet activity. Everyone let out things that have happened in their life and probably never thought others went through. Some others didn't but there were a few that you saw you weren't the only one that has gone through it.

For me this was out of my comfort zone but after doing it felt good. I let things out and people now know things about me and others. We all have to trust one another to not go around telling other people and not judging people because of mistakes or things they have done. Things that have happened make us who we are today.

mid-term grades

When I saw my mid-term grades most were okay but there were two I wasn't to crazy about. I know though that I can bring both those grades up and even my good grades. It's just a reflection of how I am doing so far and I know there will be more assignments to let me bring them up. They aren't my final grades so I'm not too worried.

I will study a lot more for both of those classes and make sure I don't miss any of the work. For my good classes I will continue to do what i've been doing but work a little harder as well to hopefully raise those. I think if they were my final grades i'd be unsatisfied with the two but the others would be acceptable.

Some goals i'd set for myself are:

1. study more
2. make sure all assignments are done
3. don't hand in anything late
4. don't wait last minute to finish something
5. think outside of the box, not just the norm

Saturday, October 23, 2010


                After reading these articles students are expecting to receive high grades on assignments for just doing the bare minimum. I agree, honestly I can say that I used to be that way in high school. I would do everything the assignment required me to do and hand it in. When I got the assignment back and I received a low grade I didn’t understand why seeing I met all the requirements of the assignment. I would ask my teachers so I could do better the next time. Teachers need to tell us exactly what they require so we know and can do what they want in order to receive a good grade. In high school, college, even intermediate school. It’s not fair when you work hard on something put all the effort into the assignment and receive a C. If you know all requirements and expectations it gives you more of a chance to get the A or A-.
Schools shouldn’t raise their grading criteria, making it easier for students to receive high grades; I think that’s a terrible idea. It says that,” they are only trying to help their students so when they graduate they will have a better chance at obtaining a good job.” Job employers will see that the student did well but when seeing that getting a good grade was so easy it makes that person look lazy
and not really a caring person because they were handed the good grade.

I don’t think it would help anyone learn and be challenged. You need to receive bad grades here and 
there in order to learn and be able to fix your mistakes. Being handed the good grade does not allow 
any student to do that.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


my mid-term video check it out.

Can people become great by practice or does it have to do with the brain?

Saturday, October 16, 2010


For my free choice blog I decided to write about the haunted hayride that I am in.

These next three weekends I am in a haunted hay ride. I've never been in one before but I live next to a farm and they asked my brothers, sister and myself to be in it. I don't like haunted things at all but being a person in it is okay because I wont get scared I just have to scare people. Last night was the first night and after getting ready for an hour making myself all bloody and scary it got canceled because of the rain.

 We were all so excited to do it so tonight is the first night. I get to lay on a table with a huge saw all bloody and cuts and my sister has to pretend she is cutting me while I scream and try to get up. I probably will have no voice by the end of this. There are a lot of other things in the haunted hayride it goes far down into the woods. They made a huge trail and along the whole thing there are different things going on. I do wish I got to go on the ride just to see how it all is but I wont know because i'm in it. It will be fun the next three weekends.

We just got a peer mentor Lee she is awesome. Lee is a very real person and she will say exactly what she thinks. I like this about her. She doesn’t let things build up she expresses herself. Lee has been through a lot and changed her life and now is a new person. She makes Inquiry a lot of fun.

She wants us all to get involved with the campus and know so much about Southern. But most importantly, to find out whom we are.  She does different activities with us in class to let us open up and find out who we are. One activity she had us to was to write an " I am" poem. Many of us had trouble thinking of things to right because we still don't know who we are yet. 

I think it’s really good to have a peer mentor because she has already been in our shoes before. She started off as a freshman not knowing much and now will be graduating knowing what she wants in life and knowing the person she is.

Lee is someone we can all go to, to ask questions and get advice. She is very outgoing and helpful. I’m glad we got a peer mentor because now we have her for questions and updates on different things and also her opinion. 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Everyone asks you what you want to be when they are older. I've known for a long time that I want to become a nurse. I enjoy helping people as much as I can. I was there all the time for my grandpa when he was really sick and when he was in and out of the hospital I would always ask the nurses what they were doing and why. There were even times I got to help them. My grandpa had to have X-rays and the nurse let me in the little side room with her and I got to take the pictures. It always interested me, helping him so much and seeing that you can make someone feel better and more comfortable really made me want to be able to do that.

It is a great career and nurses are needed all of the time but it is a very hard program to get into. Not only here at Southern but all different schools that offer it as well. You have to work really hard and put in all of your time to it. You need to be able to get 100's on your test. Would you want a nurse that got 80's on her tests to take care of you? I sure wouldn't, you want one that knows everything they are doing and doing it the right way. One little mistake could lead into serious problems.

I hope to get into the nursing program and be able to do what I've always wanted to be. It will be difficult but in the end definitely worth it. Helping people and trying to make their lives better and the pay nurses get is great as well.

Are you a good blogger?

 ~ The personal nature of the blog is what they find appealing.  ~    

I think a good blog post would be lyndsay lockhart 's she connects with the reader and draws attention so people want to read her post. A good blog post is about being creative and being able to connect with the reader.  She does this in her blogs. By being creative the writer should include things that can help us know them as a person. She did this by her choice of words, pictures, and titles of the posts. You should be able to connect with the reader.

 If you can write about something that someone else has done, gone through or enjoys, they can relate to you and feel comfortable. Another thing to make a good post would be a picture. Pictures brighten up a blog and grab the reader’s attention. You don’t need many pictures one or two is enough but those pictures make a huge difference on your blog. Pictures help you connect to almost anything. When you see a blog that doesn’t always have pictures you think that it is going to be boring. You most likely skip that one and choose a different one. Being able to grab the reader’s attention right away is key. 

I think the most important part to making a good blog post is how clear you make it so the readers understand exactly what your trying to say.  If it isn’t fluent the reader will get distracted and annoyed and want to read something different. You want your audience to be engaged and understand everything you are trying to say. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

digital storytelling...

My inquiry topic I am doing my digital storytelling project is on the article 10,000 hours for success. The question I am asking is can people become great at something by just practice or does it have to do with the brain? Are people born with talent? What do you think?

This article talks about practicing something makes a person better at it. There are different ways to look at this. People can be born with talent. Each person is different and everyone has different genes. It can be genetic, some people have relatives who are great at sports and they can be just like them. There are natural athletes’; it comes to them right away and there are people who need to practice until they get it. The environment also plays a role in this. If you have good support it makes someone want to become better and helps him or her get motivated. If you want to do something you may once or twice and then put it off. Having people motivate you and support what you want to do makes it better for you and helps you become good.