Saturday, October 16, 2010

We just got a peer mentor Lee she is awesome. Lee is a very real person and she will say exactly what she thinks. I like this about her. She doesn’t let things build up she expresses herself. Lee has been through a lot and changed her life and now is a new person. She makes Inquiry a lot of fun.

She wants us all to get involved with the campus and know so much about Southern. But most importantly, to find out whom we are.  She does different activities with us in class to let us open up and find out who we are. One activity she had us to was to write an " I am" poem. Many of us had trouble thinking of things to right because we still don't know who we are yet. 

I think it’s really good to have a peer mentor because she has already been in our shoes before. She started off as a freshman not knowing much and now will be graduating knowing what she wants in life and knowing the person she is.

Lee is someone we can all go to, to ask questions and get advice. She is very outgoing and helpful. I’m glad we got a peer mentor because now we have her for questions and updates on different things and also her opinion. 

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