Saturday, October 23, 2010


                After reading these articles students are expecting to receive high grades on assignments for just doing the bare minimum. I agree, honestly I can say that I used to be that way in high school. I would do everything the assignment required me to do and hand it in. When I got the assignment back and I received a low grade I didn’t understand why seeing I met all the requirements of the assignment. I would ask my teachers so I could do better the next time. Teachers need to tell us exactly what they require so we know and can do what they want in order to receive a good grade. In high school, college, even intermediate school. It’s not fair when you work hard on something put all the effort into the assignment and receive a C. If you know all requirements and expectations it gives you more of a chance to get the A or A-.
Schools shouldn’t raise their grading criteria, making it easier for students to receive high grades; I think that’s a terrible idea. It says that,” they are only trying to help their students so when they graduate they will have a better chance at obtaining a good job.” Job employers will see that the student did well but when seeing that getting a good grade was so easy it makes that person look lazy
and not really a caring person because they were handed the good grade.

I don’t think it would help anyone learn and be challenged. You need to receive bad grades here and 
there in order to learn and be able to fix your mistakes. Being handed the good grade does not allow 
any student to do that.

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